...a Logo is a Brand’s personal signature
It is the single most distingishing mark of authenticity, character and individuality.
If you are a new entrepreneur or running a start-up business there are dozens of online services that will give you a logo for just a few bucks. If you have a very clear idea and experience directing a graphic designer this might be the perfect answer for you. However, if you know your time would be better spent on creating new business relationships, developing a new coaching program or going on tour with the band, then let us do what we do best…creating a visual identity brand that is uniquely YOU!
With over 25 years design experience we understand the subtle and rich language of visual identity and logo design. From monograms, to custom font design and from calligraphic lettering to iconographic symbols, we match the design to your voice and values…and it’s something we take personally.
The value of a logo is measured by the brand it serves.